A natural inclination when dealing with a customer who is upset, angry or even hostile is to get it over with as quickly as possible.
However, the time and effort we spend to calm and save an unhappy Customer will pay off in higher loyalty and a better working relationship the next time he or she contacts us.
Here are a few tips to offer Customers a shining example of what service is really all about:
· Let us not begin the conversation by being defensive or criticizing the customer. That will result in a hostile reaction by the Customer, which might cause his or her anger to skyrocket.
· Allow for the venting phase. This helps to dissipate any feelings of hostility or anger by letting the Customer talk it out for as long as it takes.
· We should remind ourselves that any abuse is directed at the Company, not us as individuals. Hence we need not take negative remarks personally.
· When it is our turn to talk, we should speak in a quiet tone.
· Where possible, we should offer the Customer a few alternatives as to what our Company can do to fix the problem. In this way we give the Customer a feeling of control by allowing him or her to make the final decision on the resolution.
· After we have taken the time to reestablish trust with the Customer, we must make sure the ball does not get dropped. It is important to follow up with any other department that is involved in the resolution, as well as with the Customer to ensure he or she is fully satisfied.